Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Best news ever!!!!!

Her surgery today went great! Better than great. They had to go in and do a scrub on her face. The doctors are amazed with the way he face has healed. I told you I was expecting a miracle, nothing else. They also did another skin graph on her arm, which is the last one they had to do. Her bladder is healed. They are waiting for the her stomach stitches to heal and do her skin graphs there. But they think that that will be the last surgery that Jenny will have to go through. The doctors are really amazed at her recovery. They think that she is a fast healer. But I know it is the power of prayer. The prayers that everyone have been saying for her. They also think that she might be out before Thanksgiving. People that are burned worse than her on less of their body usually have to stay for like 3 to 4 months. This is truly a miracle in the way she is healing. We still have a couple of obstacles to overcome but right now There is nothing but positive news! Her face looks great which is what is the best news ever. They need to get her off the ventilator and breathing on her own. She is fighting her infection really well. All of them. Anyways I was just so excited about hearing all this good news and wanted to share with everyone! I will post more tomorrow with more in depth details!


Ashley Harris said...

That is awesome!!! Way to go Jenny!!! :)

Anonymous said...

this is such awesome news!!! Miracles do happen, PRAISE BE TO GOD!
carol mckinney

Kim Abbas said...

Jenny is such a fighter...it's just one of the things I love about her spirit! I am so happy and grateful that she is healing so well. What a way to start the morning! :)

Karla Carter said...

Great News!! God is good ALL the time!!! Praying for continued healing!!

Unknown said...

Omg! This is the best news ever!!!! I almost cried just ready your post. Hang in there Jenny! We r praying for you!!!